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Central Committee
Mukti Bhaban, 2 Comrade Moni Singh Road, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Phone : +8802-9558612, 7172845
Mobile: +8801711828772, Fax : 880-2-9552333
E-mail:cpbdhaka@aitlbd.net, Website: www.cpb.org.bd 


Date: 1August 2012

The Central Committee
Communist Party of Serbia

Subject: Invitation to the 10th Congress of CPB (11-13 October 2012)

Dear Comrades,

          We have the pleasure to inform you that our party is going to hold its 10th Congress on 11-13 October, 2012 in Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh.

          The Congress is going to be held at a time when high rate of inflation, unemployment, curtailment of trade union and democratic rights have increased the sufferings of the toiling masses and when the imperialist penetration in our economy and state structure is seriously threatening the sovereignty of our country. The people being frustrated by the two major bourgeois political parties, who are alternately ruling the country since 1990, are looking for an alternative. Communist Party of Bangladesh that had adopted the strategy of revolutionary democratic change with a socialist perspective is now trying to build a left democratic alternative. At the same time the party has to fight the religious communal fundamentalist forces, which has become a serious threat to secularism and a modern democratic state.

          The 10th Congress of the party will discuss all these problems and decide the tactical line of the party for the coming days.


With revolutionary greetings

Comradely yours 
(Mujahidul Islam Selim)
General Secretary 
Central Committee
Mukti Bhaban, 2 Comrade Moni Singh Road, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Phone : +8802-9558612, 7172845
Mobile: +8801711828772, Fax : 880-2-9552333
E-mail:Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli., Website: www.cpb.org.bd 


Date: 1August 2012

The Central Committee
Communist Party of Serbia

Subject: Invitation to the 10th Congress of CPB (11-13 October 2012)

Dear Comrades,

          We have the pleasure to inform you that our party is going to hold its 10th Congress on 11-13 October, 2012 in Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh.

          The Congress is going to be held at a time when high rate of inflation, unemployment, curtailment of trade union and democratic rights have increased the sufferings of the toiling masses and when the imperialist penetration in our economy and state structure is seriously threatening the sovereignty of our country. The people being frustrated by the two major bourgeois political parties, who are alternately ruling the country since 1990, are looking for an alternative. Communist Party of Bangladesh that had adopted the strategy of revolutionary democratic change with a socialist perspective is now trying to build a left democratic alternative. At the same time the party has to fight the religious communal fundamentalist forces, which has become a serious threat to secularism and a modern democratic state.

          The 10th Congress of the party will discuss all these problems and decide the tactical line of the party for the coming days.


With revolutionary greetings

Comradely yours 
(Mujahidul Islam Selim)
General Secretary 
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