5b, Ag. Filotheis str., 105 56 Athens, GREECE, Tel. +30210 3305 219,+30210 3301842,+30210 3301847 Fax +30210 3802 864, E-mail :Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli. http://www.pamehellas.gr
Information Note from PAME:
In view of the upcoming elections in Greece on the 25th of January 2015 we witness unfolding, from the media and other organizations, a campaign to support the party SYRIZA in Greece. This campaign has created a fake profile of SYRIZA as representative of the Left and the workers of Greece, which is borderline science fiction. Following this campaign, the Trade Unionist Network of Europe (TUNE) recently invited its members to sign a resolution of support to SYRIZA.
PAME, which represents the class trade union movement of Greece, and faces every day the forces of the employers and the Capital, with rich internationalist action, has a duty to inform the trade union forces on the political developments in Greece and the role of SYRIZA in the trade union movement of Greece.