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Support of KPS !

Dear friends,

First of all our greetings from the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP),

We are now also involved in the struggle to defend the right of the Venezuela´s people to have fair and transparent elections, without the intervention from the government of the United States of America. For this reason we are inviting you to visit the web site www.convenezuelabolivariana.org and join us to support their rights. There you will find a declaration in spanish, english and french so we would very much appreciate you to promote among our friends this declaration and the web site itself.  
Thanks once again in advance for counting on your support.  
In solidarity, 

María Aleida Del Riego
Europe Division
Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples

 (Direct link to sign of support)

Our solidarity with Bolivarian Venezuela

chaveznodElections will take place in Venezuela next October 7. That day will decide the fate of a revolution which has taken most of the people in that country out of the marginalization and state of neglect in which they lived, and at the same time has made decisive contributions to Latin American and Caribbean integration and to the process of transformation in this area.

Throughout these years, and particularly, during the present electoral campaign, the United States has put into practice in Venezuela the most diverse forms of interference, whether in an open way or through allegedly autonomous entities. At the same time the media, at the service of the internal reaction and imperialist interests, has worked non-stop to damage the image of the Bolivarian revolution and, in particular, the image of its leader, President Hugo Chavez Frias. He has been accused of being antidemocratic, without taking into account that during his administration he has submitted to referendums thirteen times. They have even resorted to some despicable acts associated to his health. Now, they are trying to minimize the legitimacy of the National Electoral Council, to create an atmosphere of distrust around the elections and its results and to set the basis for possible future actions of destabilization.

Aware of the importance of this historic moment for Venezuela, Latin America, the Caribbean and the world, we declare our solidarity with the Bolivarian revolution and its president, we demand respect for the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people and we call intellectuals, artists and social activists to support this initiative.      -->

Cuban Chapter of intellectuals, artists and social activists from the net "In Defense of Humanity". 

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Argentina; Oscar Niemeyer, Brasil; Alicia Alonso, Cuba; Samir Amir, Egipto; Roberto Fernández Retamar, Cuba; Pablo González Casanova, México; Miguel Barnet, Cuba; Alfonso Sastre, España; Leo Brouwer, Cuba; Padre Miguel d'Escoto, Nicaragua; Danny Glover, EE.UU.; Frei Betto, Brasil; Graziella Pogolotti, Cuba; Ignacio Ramonet, España/Francia, Ramsey Clak, EEUU; Alfredo Guevara, Cuba; Luis Britto García, Venezuela; Fernando Martínez Heredia, Cuba; Rafael Cancel Miranda, Puerto Rico; Thiago de Mello, Brasil; Atilio Borón, Argentina; Rev. Raúl Suárez, Cuba; Daniel Viglietti, Uruguay; Andy Montañez, Puerto Rico; Andrés Sorel, España; Eduardo Torres Cuevas, Cuba; Cindy Sheehan, EEUU; François Houtart, Bélgica; Pablo Armando Fernández, Cuba; Pablo Guayasamín, Ecuador; Manuel Cabieses, Chile; Osvaldo Martínez, Cuba; William Blum, EE.UU.; Stella Calloni, Argentina; Luciano Vasapollo, Italia; Danny Rivera, Puerto Rico; Víctor Heredia, Argentina; Santiago Alba Rico, España; Luis Carbonell, Cuba; Carmen Bohórquez, Venezuela; Michael Parenti, EEUU; Camille Chalmer, Haití; Ramón Chao, España/Francia; Héctor Díaz-Polanco, México; Ramiro Guerra, Cuba; Franz Hinkelammert, Alemania/C.Rica; Alicia Hermida, España; Bernard Cassen, Francia; Martín Almada, Paraguay; Jorge Ibarra, Cuba; Willie Toledo, España; Oscar Zanetti, Cuba; Carlos Fernández Liria, España; Red Ronnie, Italia; Carlos Molina, El Salvador; Ricardo Flecha, Paraguay; Jorge Perugorría, Cuba; Luis Alegre Zahonero, España; Flora Fong, Cuba; Digna Guerra, Cuba; Boris Kagarlitsky, Rusia; Saúl Landau, EE.UU.; Adalberto Álvarez, Cuba; Fernando Buen Abad, México; Jaime Losada, España; Gilberto López y Rivas, México; Hugo Moldiz, Bolivia; Marilia Guimaraes, Brasil; Ana Esther Ceceña, México; Hildebrando Pérez Granda, Perú; Carlo Frabetti, Italia/España, Roberto Méndez, Cuba, Pascual Serrano, España; Salim Lamrani, Francia; Irene Amador, Colombia/España; Corina Mestre, Cuba; Fernando Rendón, Colombia; Arturo Corcuera, Perú; Raúl Pérez Torres, Ecuador; Gennaro Carotenuto, Italia; Hernando Calvo Ospina, Colombia/Francia; Lesbia Vent Dumois, Cuba; Javier Couso, España; Cecilia Todd, Venezuela; Rigoberto López, Cuba; Eva Golinger, EEUU/Venezuela; Francisco Villa, Chile; Jane Franklin, EEUU; Adamos Katsantonis, Chipre;


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