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( PKP-1930 )

(Philippine Communist Party)

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Embassy of the Slovak Republic

to the Republic of Indonesia

and the Republic of the Philippines

29 Jalan Prof. Mohammed Yamin

SH Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia 10310

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Mr. Ambassador :


We write to express our condemnation of the new anti-communist law being introduced in your country which contains provisions for prison sentences ranging from 6 months to 3 years for anyone who “denies, applauds or tries to justify” the so-called “crimes of the regime which was based on the communist ideology.”


As a party which previously suffered illegal and unconstitutional persecution on the basis of its communist ideology, the Philippine Communist Party (PKP-1930) stands in solidarity with the Communist Party of Slovakia in the struggle against this affront to civil liberties and human rights. It is a shame that this new penal act being introduced in your country seeks to falsify the history of your country and of the former socialist community.


The inference that the former CSSR is a criminal regime is senseless, and can only come from the rabid conservatives in your parliament who choose to remain blind to the contributions of the former CSSR and the former socialist...

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Dear Comrades ,

The Communist Party of Pakistan announces with deep sense of bereavement pain and profound sorrow ,to all the fraternal parties ,comrades and friends ,that Comrade Chacha Maula Bux Khaskheli ,the Secretary General of the  CC of CPP ,has passed away at 11 PM on 30th August ,2011. He was 76 years old.

The Communist Party of Pakistan offers LAAL SALAM ( RED SALUTE ) ,to comrade Khaskheli for his unforgettable militant struggle and sacrifices for the party and people of Pakistan.

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...Ramón Labañin, Fernando González, René Gonzáles, Antonio Guerrero i Gerard Hernández , su ljudi čija je jedina krivica to što vole svoju zemlju. Petorka je osuđena zato što je boraveći u SAD, sasvim slucajno došla do važnih informacija a zatim pokušala obavestiti nadležne i tako osujetiti terorističke planove i napade protiv Kube. Napade su trebali izvršiti plaćeni vojnici, uvežbavanih od strane CIA-e za teroristička dejstva van SAD-a. To se događa usprkos takozvanom odlučnom američkom “ratu protiv terorizma". Odmah po dobijanju obavestenja od strane Kubanskih vlasti, Vlada Amerike, umesto da pohapsi terorističku mrežu, uhapsila je ova 5 mladića. 
Petorka je osuđena 08. juna 2001., pod optužbom koja je uključivala “špijunsku zaveru.” No nisu predočeni nikakvi dokazi vezani uz špijuniranje. Suđenje je održano u Majamiju, poznatoj bazi desno orjentisanih Kubanaca (istih paravojnih...

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  Od 16. do 19. aprila u Havani je održan VI Kongres Komunisticke Partije Kube, koji se poklopio sa 50. godišnjicom Pobede na Plaži Hiron i Proglašenjem Socijalističkog Karaktera Kubanske Revolucije.

Učestvovalo je preko hiljadu nacionalnih delegata i gostiju koji su predstavljali blizu 800 hiljada ideoloških istomišljenika, organizovanih u 61 hiljadu organizacija iz različitih oblasti kubanskog društva.

Centralni izveštaj, koji je dao Vojni General Raul Kastro Rus, je veoma samokritična analiza sadašnjeg trenutka koji proživljava socijalizam na Kubi. U tom kontekstu, potrebno je da se nastavi sa ekonomsko-društvenim promenama, u cilju ažuriranja ekonomskog modela i jačanja ekonomskih i društvenih struktura koji bi omogućili da se ostvari napredak u izgradnji novog socijalističkog društva.

U suštini, Centralni Izveštaj Kongresa je bio usmeren na definisanje glavnih...

Komentar (0) Hits: 6570

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( PKP-1930 )

(Philippine Communist Party)

6 Agoho Street, Pleasant Hills Subd.

City of San Jose del Monte

Bulacan, Philippines

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Dearest Comrades :


The Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (PKP-1930, the Philippine Communist Party) sends warmest fraternal greetings, and wishes every success, to the 6th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba.


We salute the guiding role of the Communist Party of Cuba in making possible heroic Cuba’s many achievements in socialist construction. Despite all the acts of aggression and destabilization from successive US administrations for over half a century now, Cuba...

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To the Congress of Communist Party of Cuba

Dear comrades,
We are sending our best wishes and greetings to all participants of the Congress and we wish you successful and productive work. We are aware that Cuba has passed the hard times throughout recent history to fight for freedom and the independence. You must know, also that The Communist Party of Cuba has the true friends in the Communist Party of Serbia.
We wish you all the best and the great success in the future work.

Greeting from,
Ivica Kostic, secretary of the Communist Party of Serbia

To Secretaria de Embajador

Vaša Ekselencijo,
Sa velikim zadovoljstvom pratimo rad kongresa Komunističke Partije Kube.Ovom prilikom želimo da izrazimo još jedanput veliko zadovoljstvo što u Komunističkoj  Partiji Kube i Vama lično imamo iskrenog prijatelja.U ovom za sve nas teškom vremenu, kada su...
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To all Communist & Workers Parties,

Revolutionary & National Liberation Organizations


Dear comrades,

 As you are well aware, the critical situation in Libya has reach a new level with the passage of the UN Security Council Resolution 1973 and the imminent preparations for imperialist aggression in full swing, notwithstanding Libya’s statement of March 18, 2011 declaring an immediate ceasefire.

In light of these most recent developments, our Party has issued the following statement on the crisis.

 With warmest comradely regards,

 Central Executive Committee,

Communist Party of Canada



Hands Off Libya - No Foreign Intervention!

For a Peaceful Political Solution to the Conflict!

Keep Canadian Military at Home!


On Thursday of this week, the U.N. Security Council passed Resolution 1973, authorizing the imposition of a “no-fly...

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Još članaka...

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imperio 10
Prilozi saradnika Neo Marx

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Izdaja Srbije

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